Hi friends! We have been so busy lately that I have not had the energy had the chance to catch up. So this is going to be a very long post with about 23894723498573489 lots of pics and videos. Two weekends ago, we went up to Boone to celebrate the opening of the cabin and also to watch the ASU/WCU game for the last Battle for the Jug. We woke up that morning and it was FREEZING!! So we made sure to bundle the kiddies up extra warm. My BIL Danny had a friend that was working and allowed us to take pics on the football field. Here are some of those:
This is prob my favorite pic because of L's face. Priceless!!
It was wayy too cold for us the kids so we only stayed at tailgating for about an hour before heading back to the cabin. However, the boys did manage to get hammered stay until halftime and my mom went to go pick them up. On Sunday we woke up early and stopped by Hickory to see Josh's parents before heading back home.
Our facility was closed last Thursday and Friday. Needless to say I was counting down the hours on Wednesday until I had my 4 day weekend. It was much needed! Thursday morning we were heading to Asheboro to have Thanksgiving lunch with my mom's side of the family. Here are some adorable pics that we got:
M and Papa
M & Granny
After 62 years of marriage, these two are closer than ever! An inspiration to us all!
Uncle David loves him some babies!
L and her MiMi
Our big boy tried out a high chair for the first time and loved it!
He was enthralled with himself in the mirror
Bless it.
Once we were done with lunch, we made the hike up to the cabin to spend a long weekend there. It was SO nice just to hang out with everyone. We are always so busy running all different directions that we never get to enjoy each other as much. Needless to say there was a lot of beverages consumed mostly from our husbands and card playing. The perfect weekend! Friday we pretty much hung out, but Saturday we went to go get our Christmas tree before going to see the my husband, Liam, play Gale in the Hunger Games.
Pretty nice pic of the cabin
He loved the hay ride!
Saturday night we had the kids sleep in their matching pajamas the Aunt Sarah had gotten for them. I'm not sure you can handle the cuteness that follows:
We had a BLAST this past weekend and were so sad that we had to come back. Here are some more pics and videos of the past couple of weeks..
Here's what has been happening with Ms. Dawn:
Aren't these the cutest? It's of his little feet!!
Ms. Dawn says that he loves this walker and I'm so glad since it's one of his Christmas presents!!
I couldn't figure out how to turn the video on this one. Oh well! But please take a moment to look below:
See the bowl?? He ate all.the.rice. WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST, M?! We have been trying to get him to simply eat the rice for weeks now and he just spits it back out at us or give us an ugly cry face/tantrum. I can't get him to eat but maybe a couple of bites.One morning it was so bad that it looked like someone had planted a rice bomb in my living room. It looks like it snowed. He was caked in rice, his nose was filled with rice, in his hair, in my hair, all over the table, all over his pants, on his shirt (which how does it get under his shirt?? He was wearing a bib that covered his entire upper body?!?!), on my clothes, on the floor, on the Bumbo that he was sitting in, on the couch, on our new carpet, on our wall. How did it get on the wall you ask? Because the little Poop Magoo would put his fingers around his mouth (because it's obvious no rice was getting inside his mouth due to him spitting it out everywhere) OR while I was trying to concentrate on saving the rice from falling everywhere he would grab the bowl, coat his fingers with rice and begin slinging said rice infested fingers all over the place. I'm pretty sure he may have eaten one spoon of rice and the rest was everywhere else. Every time he eats I put on a rain poncho. And Josh won't even attempt to feed him. WHYYYY??? So we have decided. The only reasoning why he will cooperate with Ms. Dawn is because she is a Saint/baby whisperer. And it's not just with the food. Mase always cooperates with her and never pitches a temper tantrum. I'm being serious. She called one day last week to tell me that she got to witness one of his tantrums. He's been staying with her for almost 4 months now and this is the first time???? He does it at least once a week with us! Please teach us your ways, Ms. Dawn!! We are so blessed to have you with us and M does not know how lucky he is! But we will for sure remind him!!
Here is some more cuteness for you:
We got him this jumper. Best.investment.ever. He LOVES this thing. He will sit in it for hours!! And you can get them wayy cheap on Amazon.
Last week we were finally able to stop by and say "hello" to Carla. Doesn't she look so good holding that baby Casey???
She NEEDS one. Or you can just borrow M, too ;-)
Look at those kicks! Love them!!
And then it happened... Today, he FINISHED his entire bowl of rice for me. AND I didn't even have to wear my poncho. SUCCESS IS MINE!!
For more pics of the round up, hop on over to my sister Sarah's Blog! I'm really going to try hard not to have two weeks in between! Hope everyone has a Happy Tuesday!!
M's little feet are ginormous. He is SO CUTE, I just want to squeeze on him all the time. Love all the pics and videos, keep 'em comin'!