As you can tell, he was not feeling cooperative tonight. |
Weight/Length: Not sure why I put this because I have no clue. They weighed Mase a couple of weeks ago and he was 22 lbs 7 ounces so I'm assuming he's somewhere around there still.
Sleep: Still sleeps like a champ. He goes to bed around 8:15-8:30 pm every night and will occasionally wake up anywhere from 5-6 am but after a bottle he will sleep until 9:00 or when I have to wake him up to leave in the mornings.
Feeding: Homeboy eats When I picked him up, I was told that he ate a hot dog, strawberries, peaches, 3 helpings of yogurt, half a chicken sandwich, and watermelon. Where he puts it?? I have no clue! He's also not a picky eater which I am very grateful for. His latest favorites are strawberries, rocks, bananas, peaches, dirt, sticks, anything on the floor, toys, and raisins.
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These rocks are delicious. |
Firsts this months: I am SOO excited for this one this month!! As some of you may know, Joshy and I can be a little competitive with each other. Having that said, it gives me
This wasn't a very good one but I managed to get a little of it
I WINNN!!!! He loves me most ;-)
Some other firsts have been walking while holding your hands, crawling on stairs, attempting to climb out of the crib (already), eating rocks - they're more like boulders, saying "Mamma" (no Joshy, I just won't let this one go), and tons more that I cannot think of at the moment.
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The dreaded stairs. |
Developments: He's starting to understand words and tones now. My favorite thing he's done lately is something that wasn't supposed to be funny but it is... As most of you know, I have been traveling like crazy lately. When Joshy and Mase picked me up from the airport this last trip from Texas we were riding in the car and Mase kept shaking his head back and forth. When I asked Josh what he was doing, Josh said, "it's been a rough weekend." Turns out, Mase was very mischievous while I was gone so Josh had to keep telling him "no, no, no, Mason" while shaking his head. Well, Mason picked up on it. So now, whenever we say no, Mason shakes his head like this:
I haven't been able to get a good video of this yet but you see him doing it in this one. Now, try keeping a straight face and stand your ground while he's doing this. It is so hard!
M is also starting to be able to remember things and pick out things. For instance, he is obsessed with fans. He is constantly going into rooms and looking up to see if the fan is on. And my goodness, the light switch. If you let him turn it on and off you can see the wheels turning. Mind = blown.
Like I previously mentioned, he will remember things. We've been working on clapping recently as well as giving high fives. He's got these pretty down pat but here's his latest of "how big is Mason":
SOOOO big!
The big clap
Another thing he has started doing is opening and closing doors and cabinets. He will crawl into a room and shut the door then start screaming because he's trapped and it's dark. Well, genius, don't shut the door! Here's an example:
We are almost to the walking point. Right now he can stand by himself but it's only when he's not meaning to. When he sees that he's standing on his own I think it scares him because he sits down really quickly LOL. I'm sure that he'll be walking in the next month?? Wishful thinking??
Likes: baths, eating, crawling, climbing, steps, anything that is dangerous, opening and closing doors/cabinets, talking, saying "Mamma" because I'm the favorite, walking with your hands, crawling, eating rocks, being outdoors, people watching, etc. He's such a happy kid that he's rarely ever sad/grumpy.
Dislikes: Cuddling. Whenever I was pregnant Josh told me that he was glad I was having a child so that I would be able to cuddle with him and never bother Josh again. WELL HE LIED!! I would have the child that didn't want to cuddle. Every time I even attempt to force it Snotty McSnotterson wants to run away from me. Literally, he runs away. (SIGH) He also dislikes getting out of the bath. But his greatest dislike is being told, "no." He is the most stubborn child I have ever met. He gets it honest from his father.
What I'm Thankful for: I know I say this every time but I am just so thankful for Josh. These past couple of months I have been so busy. He has stepped up so much and has never complained once about needing a break. I mean seriously, sometimes I ask for a break and it's not even 6:30. That man is a saint! I love you so much Joshy and couldn't do this without you! You are the BEST!!!
What I'm looking forward to: The next couple weekends at home. AND Mason's 1 year old photos that are going to be done by the AH-MAZING Stephanie Aldridge Photography. Seriously friends, she's legit. Check her out and book her ASAP!!! I can't wait to show y'all!
Here's some more randomness to catch you up on our lives:
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Thursday night we had our first visit to Hooters. Mason kept trying to get fresh with the waitress. Get it together son! |
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Up until this week, we have been using the Chicco 360 Hook On Travel HighChair. We loved this and it was so convenient for when we went places that didn't have highchairs. However, it was cloth which means it was not very suitable for everyday use. While I was in Texas, Josh went out and got us a brand new beautiful highchair! We originally did not want to purchase an expensive one but his reasoning was, "it converts into a booster and it's durable enough to last us through the next child." The next child?!?! VICTORY IS MINE AGAIN!!! He's slowly but surely coming around to another one! Didn't I say he was the greatest hubby in the world?!?! |
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Saturday night dinner at Zapatas. |
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On Sunday we attended Cousin Christie's baby shower. Craft was able to make it to the shower and they were both -by chance- wearing their matching outfits I got them for Easter! |
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"Hey Craft, stop hogging all the mirror space." |
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We're still working on "gentle." But this pic cracks me up. Mason was using Craft's face as a stool to reach that mirror. And yes, I took the time to document it before removing the beast child LOL |
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The beautiful letters that Pop Pops made for Elizabeth Michelle Strickland! |
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We had not even pulled out of the church parking lot before Mason was passed.out. He didn't even wake up when I got him out of his car seat. Bless him. |
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Splashing in the pool with MiMi |
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This is a throwback of Celina's wedding photobooth. I had SO much fun with these girls and miss them already! |
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Mason and his bestie Jayda. Apparently, he smacked Jayda in the face too. But instead of hitting him back |
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Mase and Grannie (Dawn) made me an egg shell plant for Mother's Day. Isn't it the cutest?! I can't wait until she gets Mase's Mother's Day gift for her. He did such a great job tonight with it! |
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This was my birthday present from Mason that he made at Grannie's. Thank you Grannie, these are so special to me! |
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1) Isn't it the cutest rabbit?? 2) I'm pretty sure the beast-child is the next Big Foot. If baseball fails, we won't rule out skiing. |
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My Mother's Day gift - The Eyes are the cutest! |
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Mase even painted the back for me! Big boy!! |
Try to watch this without smiling!
Alright friends. I am going to bed. I hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday and I will try to report back next week! Much love to you all and God Bless!