Friday, July 5, 2013

Labor Day: The Delivery Room - Part 2

**Disclaimer: This post is graphic. I spare no details. So if you have a weak stomach, don't want to know that much information about me (or the birthing process), or just don't care then you should stop reading now**

So I have been admitted and we are now in the delivery room and I feel like Originally, if someone would ask if I was going to get an epidural I would have said I am not opposed to it but I wanted to see how it went. If I got too uncomfortable I would definitely have one but I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I wanted to wait it out because I always have thought having a natural childbirth would be cool. Wrong. My first words to the nurse was “I need an epidural” BUT due to the fact that I was sent home last night, all my paperwork had been processed which meant I had to redo all the paperwork I had done the previous night – including the epidural paperwork. Of course, that wasn't going to happen since I had to have the doctor in to check my cervix before they could send for the anesthesiologist. They have to do this because if you get past a certain point of labor you are no longer able to get an epidural. I was PRAYING that I was not past this point because if this were the case I would have probably asked for a gun. And to think, all of this could have been avoided if they had admitted me last night. Idiots.

Fifteen minutes later, the doctor had arrived to check my cervix. At this point, it feels like everyone and their sister, brother, and friends had seen my na-na (vagina). I know I was very comfortable with my body before but it brought my comfort to a-whole-nother level. The doctor told us that she was going to approve the epidural now but it would probably be 20 minutes before the anesthesiologist could make it to our room and if the pain was too intense that they could give me something that would take the edge off the pain. However, when I mentioned that I wanted it I noticed the nurse was a little wary about it. When I asked her why, she said that it often makes people drowsy and disoriented so if you liked being in control she wouldn't suggest it. Thank goodness for Nurse Lady – I declined and said that I would soldier through the next twenty minutes. I had come this far, right?

Forty minutes later, both Nurse Ladies were looking a little panicky in wondering where the hell the Anesthesiologist Lady was because I’m sure they knew I was about to flip the *H* out. I know this due to the fact they were looking at each other and at one point both left the room to find said Lady. I finally looked at my husband and said “find the *effing* lady now or I will murder someone.” (I will say that I am proud of myself since this was the only time that I lost it and if you know me, that says A LOT!) My panic-stricken husband looked so lost and was getting up to find Anesthesiologist Lady when she FINALLY walked in the door saying “did someone call for an epidural??” in her singsong voice. MURDERRR LADY MURDERR!!! If I could have moved I would have punched her in the throat.

Now, the epidural was NOT pleasant by any means but it was SOO worth it! And my husband kept me sane the entire time while getting it. He was seriously the cutest. As I was finishing up the epidural, my other “rock” came in: my older sister, Sarah. The epidural was in and life was GOOD. Then comes the waiting.

A couple of hours later, the fabulous doctor Kathryn came in to check my cervix again and said, “let’s have a baby!” YAYYYYYY!!!!

What they don’t tell you: As the baby is shifting down your na-na, it feels like you are pooping. Seriously. I even asked my husband in a state of panic “omg am I pooping??” to which he responded, “no, I don’t see anything.” Bless him for looking because I know how hard that was LOL. They also don’t tell you that your “coaches” don’t hold your hands like they do in the movies, they hold a leg. This is what freaked Josh out the most because he did not want to watch and I kind of liked it that way. BUT since he was holding a leg, he said that “it was like a trainwreck, I just couldn't look away.” Thanks, sir. Then the pushing started. They tell you that you push from your abs just like you’re taking a big deuce bowel movement. I’m serious, it feels like just that. I literally felt like I was sh*tting a baby. By then M’s head was starting to come out. My husband tells me that it’s at this point that he realizes that nothing can hurt the na-na because the doctor has BOTH hands INSIDE the na-na to coax the head out. Then Doc looks at me and says, “you’re going to tear anyways, so I’m just going to cut you.” She gets what looks like regular scissors and cuts my na-na. Thank goodness I couldn't feel anything but it sounded like a “snip snip” that sounds like it’s just cutting paper… LIKE CUTTING A PIECE OF PAPER!! That was my na-na!! My poor husband looks at me like a deer in headlights with a pale, sweaty face. This was the one point that I thought I was going to lose him. From then on, he kept his eyes on my face. My sister on the other hand was a champ and watched the ENTIRE thing! Several pushes later I hear the most beautiful sound in the world: my child screaming. I cried ugly tears. I looked at my sister, she was crying and then I looked to my wonderful husband – he was also crying. It was the most perfect moment of my entire life and it still amazes me to know that I could have so much love in my heart so quickly for this little guy.

**Recap: at 5:26 pm on July 5, 2013, Mason Alexander was born weighing exactly 8 lbs and measuring 21.5 inches**

Back to the story. Doc did ask us if we wanted to cut the umbilical to which was both a little much for us so we chose to pass on that one. For some reason I always thought you had to push again to get the placenta out but Doc literally pushed down on my stomach and pulled it out. That was the grossest thing I have EVER seen in my entire life. It looked like a jellyfish!

After you give birth, they have to press on your stomach to get all your fluid stuff out. I still could not feel from the waist down. What they don’t tell you: if you have to fart, you’re going to and you have no say in the matter. There’s no “holding it in.” I felt it going down my backside and heard it come out of my body. If you know my family, you know that we can laugh about bodily functions forever. I look at my sister ready to laugh and she will not look at me BUT I KNOW she’s laughing because I see her shoulders moving up and down. I turn to my husband because I know he’ll laugh too and he’s avoiding eye contact. So here I am laying on the bed having just farted all over Nurse Lady and am trying not to laugh but can’t help but smiling and NOBODY will laugh with me! So homegirl totally thought that I was just laughing because I farted all over her and I was a total weirdo. BUT my sister and I laughed VERY hard about it later.

After Doc got me sewn up and I got cleaned up, the fam was allowed to come in. Everyone loved M just as much as we did and all was right in the world. Here are some pics: 

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