As you can see, |
Weight/Length: Not a clue. We're thinking somewhere around 25 lbs? Considering he is now in 18 month clothing, it's safe to say he is extremely tall! His 12 month clothing still fit but they always ride up his belly and legs.
Sleep: We've been having a little bit of trouble lately. Mase has always gone to bed around 8. Sometimes if he naps later then we will hold him off until around 8:30 pm to lay him down. Lately he has started crying out in the middle of the night. Most of the time he is dreaming but about one time every other week he will be awake crying. We have been really good about staying strong and not going in there because we have found if we do the end result is the same which consists of him screaming it out anyways. After about 3 minutes he will fall back asleep. He usually sleeps until around 5-6 am then he wakes up for an early morning bottle. He has always done this. I can only think of a couple of occasions where he has slept through the night until 8:30 am or so. At this point we give him a bottle, change his diaper, and lay him back down. He will usually finish the bottle, play for a few minutes, then go back to sleep until 8:15 or when I have to wake him up to leave for work.
At our 9 month appointment the doctor gave us the okay to give him whole milk. Since then we have been working on adding it in. However, this week we are starting to wean him off of the formula. Granny (Ms. Dawn) gave us a great tip of giving him milk in his sippy cup at his 6:00 am feeding because a lot of times when they realize it isn't the formula bottle, then they don't want it. We tried this Tuesday morning and he didn't even drink it. He just looked at it then went straight back to sleep. This morning when he woke up, he looked like he was playing in his crib but was whining every few minutes. So I put some milk in his cup and waited outside his door to see if he would go back to sleep. I should have just waited it out but I figured that the second I laid my head down on the pillow he would start screaming for a bottle/milk so I went in there to give it to him. I had not even shut the door when I head this "clunk" which sounded like something hitting the floor. The little sucker had thrown his cup out of his crib like, "Screw you Mom! You know this isn't my milk." He ended up crying it out for a few minutes then went back to sleep until 7:30. We'll see how tomorrow goes..
Wish me luck with this. I'll keep you updated!
Feeding: Can I please tell you that this child is going to eat me out of house and home? I am not exaggerating. Granny took him out to eat breakfast with Mrs. Laura this week and she reported to me that he ate 2 whole biscuits with gravy, a cup of grapes, and 6 pieces of sausage. Then he ate another huge meal at lunch too. We went out to dinner the other night where he ate 4 of the biggest strawberries I have ever seen, 3 big chicken strips, fries, and some of my pasta. Where does he put it??? Need more proof? Watch this video for yourself:
He ate the.entire.thing. Don't believe me??
Don't worry, his friend Jayda cleaned hers too!
Firsts/Developments: I'm lumping these together because at this point it's basically the same thing. Get ready friends, there are A LOT! You know I love having my camera out for everything so I will show you most of them.
Mason's new favorite game is to chase/run. We will walk like we're going into another room and if he's not paying attention we will call for him while we hide behind an object (usually a fridge or bookshelf). When he comes around the corner we pretend to chase him and he will turn around booking it the other way. Sometimes he will even chase you then book it when you turn around. Like, so:
He also is obsessed with climbing things. He climbs the stairs, pillows, couches, his car, furniture, baby gates, people, everything. If it's something that he can climb on or over he will do it. I swear he gave Grandma Debbie a heart attack when we went to visit because he climbed from the ottoman to the chair, over the arm rest of the chair onto a table, from the table to the couch, from the couch to another table, then turned around and wanted to head back! I will add that part of the heart attack comes from him climbing head first into everything. I'm pretty sure he needs a helmet. See below:
Josh was trying to tap him on the shoulder to ask what he was doing but M kept ignoring him. This kid is hilar. |
M is now more comfortable with standing on his own. In the beginning it's like he didn't know what he was doing and would immediately sink back to the floor if he saw that he was standing. Having that said, he is now starting to take a few steps here and there. Look at this big boy!!
And with the walking.. here comes this....
Mother of the Year right here! Yes, he is fine. He only cried for a minute... or so.
As you have seen in previous pictures, we have this little push car that Mase loves to ride in. But he really likes the steering wheel. Since we don't have a long street and Granny does, I decided to let Mase drive one morning when we got in here neighborhood:
Multi-tasking at its finest. We were literally going 3 mph - calm down Mi Mi!
He's mastered the "driving with your eyes closed" |
Great. He drives like his father. Eyes are everywhere but on the road. |
Here lately he is obsessed with blowing air out of his mouth/making fart noises. If you do it to him he thinks it's hilarious too!
Since it has been so warm out, we have been LIVING at the pool. Granny takes him over a lot during the week, too. He has learned how to kick his feet, blow bubbles, and slowly swimming to the sides of the pool:
Granny has also taught him to "roll over", ha! Our little puppy boy!
We are currently working on "blowing kisses."
And then there's the "clap"/"big clap" - he LOVES doing this. Every time he does something good or he hears "good job" he will start doing this =cutest.
Special thanks to Nae Nae for getting this CUTE outfit for me.
We got this one yesterday where he is pushing the car by himself:
His favorite thing to do here lately is to throw things. (Sigh) He throws food, toys, sippy cup, pacifiers, his Bear he sleeps with, rocks, grass, everything! Just this week he would throw things just to watch them fall. Yesterday we watched him throw almost all of his toys over his baby-gate into the kitchen. Then he cried because he decided he wanted them. I know what you're thinking: left or right arm? Both. I guess it's still up in the air!
**Side note for this next part: You know how kids will test you? Mase is the KING of this. If he knows he's not supposed to do something, he will pretend like he's doing something else just to make sure you're watching. He is constantly pushing the lines. For instance, he knows he's not allowed to climb on the stairs. However, he will crawl over in the direction of the stairs and pretend like he's interested in something over there - like playing in the dirt or something so silly that we know will not occupy his time - and slowly inch his way toward the bottom stair. Then he'll casually put his hands around the stairs for a few seconds before putting one hand on one of them. When he tell him "no" he looks at us like, "what?? I'm not doing anything!" Or another one of my favorites is he will play around the stairs and pretend like he's using the higher stair as a prop to pull himself up, wait a few seconds to see if he can get away with it, then start climbing on them. This kid!**
Back to throwing. I have to tell you about the phone call I got from Granny on Friday telling me what this rotten child did. You know those moments where kids do something they shouldn't but it's so funny/unexpected you're at a loss for words or you just end up laughing instead of disciplining? It happens to me often. This was one of these moments. You see these angels??
![]() |
Notice the flip flops beside the angels. |
Mase is doing something new every day. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but that's what next month is for, right??
Likes: he still loves eating rocks, eating in general, bath time, throwing, swimming, I swear he likes pooping since he does it 843290483 times a day, sleeping, throwing temper tantrums, climbing, giggling, chasing, playing peek-a-boo, clapping, waving, everything. He's really a great kid and very easy! We are so spoiled ;-)
Dislikes: putting on sunscreen, being hungry (which is all the time), changing his diaper, putting on clothes (as you can tell since he never has any on in the pics I post), being told "no".
What I'm Thankful For: the life I have. For those of you that know me, you know I stress/worry about things. Lately, I've been stepping back to be grateful for everything that God has given us because He has given us SO much. Would it be nice if money trees existed? Yes and I am still hunting for the person that told me that this was real when I was younger and you will get the beating of your life when I find you. Would it be nice to have a bigger house? Yes. A new car? Yes. Be able to take a pee (or poop) in peace without my child coming in, climbing all over me, or banging on the door (this includes my husband asking what I am doing as well. I mean, really, I'm in the bathroom. Can a woman take a poop in peace???)? Yes. Spend more time with my kid? Absolutely. These things would be nice but I realized that God has given me a great husband, the best kid in the world, family, friends, a job, and SO much more. He has given me everything I need. For that I am beyond thankful.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Mase's first birthday coming up! WOOT WOOT! With that, Uncle Tracy is coming in for it, YAYYYY!!! We're having his birthday party the Saturday before his birthday then we're spending his birthday weekend in Hickory having a weekend party!!! SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES!! Then there is nothing on our plate and I plan to keep it that way ;-)
Next Appointment: Monday, July 7th
Well friends, I am off! I will try to write something again soon! Happy Friday Eve!
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