Length/weight: M weighs 12 lbs and 1 ounce which is average and his length measured 24.5 inches (he's the top of his class!). So the doc says that even though he is average for his weight, M is really tall. All good reports on this end!
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Waiting for Dr. Smolen to poke me with needles |
The doctor has to do a full body check and for little boys that includes making sure that his circumcision was still correct - because apparently the wiener can go back to uncircumcised if the skin doesn't take. But the Dr. S said that his wiener (his term was Penis - but wiener is such a better word I think) looked normal. To which I said, "great! I really didn't want him to have a weird wiener." At that point, Josh rolled his eyes and then covered his face with his hands. But Dr. S just laughed and confirmed that no, M did not have a "weird wiener."
M did get some shots and then one medicine that was given by mouth Pentacel (combination of DTaP, IPV, HIB), Prevnar and Rotateq. He did awesome with these, only cried for a few seconds and then was done!
Feeding: Guess this doesn't really count yet because he's still on the bottle. BUT at our next appointment (4 months) we are going to discuss working in some different kinds of food.
Firsts this month: screaming fit, slept through the night, sat up in his bumbo, tried and LOVED the swing, eating in a public restaurant, talking, had a major blow-out in his britches, peeing on Daddy, peeing in the bathtub, smiling.. there are tons more, I just can't remember them right now!
Developments: there are so many things he is starting to do! I can definitely tell that his hearing is getting better because of the way he will try to find Josh's or my voice in the room. He is always looking around and loves having staring contests at the ceiling fan - or at himself in the mirror
Likes: laying on his playmat, talking to us, sitting outside, sitting with his "Bear", milk, pooping (at least I think he likes this because he seems to laugh and smile when he's doing it), sitting up, swinging, bath time
Dislikes: changing his diaper, burping, being held - this is so infuriating because sometimes I just want to cuddle!! There is no force-cuddling with him either. He just.won't.cooperate. He doesn't really do much so there's not much in this category. He's just a really happy baby for the most part.
What I'm thankful for: I am really thankful for a baby that sleeps through the night. I don't want to jinx myself but he has been doing great since we've been swaddling him with the arms in. All around, he's just a great baby. He really only fusses when something is wrong with him. He is just happy, happy, happy!
What I'm looking forward to: sitting up by himself and rolling over which are the next things to come!
How Mommy's doing: There are good days and there are bad. I feel guilty that my job is so far away and takes time away from spending it with Mason. It's also really hard with my hours to get M on a routine which I desperately want to do whenever he is ready for a routine. But I'm looking for another job that has routine hours and is a little more flexible. Fingers crossed! Also, while I am happy that M is doing so great and is developing perfectly, I am also sad that he is growing up so fast. In order to not waste any time and miss anything, I am reminding myself to slow down and appreciate the time I have and that other things can wait or be rescheduled. A part from M, I am battling the post-baby body blues. I keep reminding myself that it took 9 months to put it on. But seriously, nothing.will.fit. I have no clothes and on top of that I have extra skin still. I thought that ish went away around 4-6 weeks?!?! I feel like flubber!! I also keep telling myself that Operation Starvation starts this week and that I'm going to work out... It never happens. I work 45 mins - 1 hr away so it's usually 10 hours at LEAST (often 12 hours or more if I go to my second job) after I leave M so I want to go home to him immediately as quickly as possible. Let's not mention that there is a house I have to help straighten up, laundry to do (I won't pretend that I cook), time that M needs to spend outside before dark, pack my lunch for tomorrow... And the list continues. These are all considered excuses but I'm sorry I want to spend time with my son. I am just not willing to cut that out yet. At the same time, I have to deal with it. Starting today, I'm going to be better about it! (Maybe after today since I was too sleepy last night to pack my lunch which means that I'll have to resort to Wendy's for lunch today - no judging please)
Here are his 2 month pics:
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Look at the belly!! |
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Holding his "Bear" |
Following Friday's appointment we went over to my parents because we HAD to hang out with them since MiMi didn't get to see Mason all week (her words). We went to dinner with my parents, Nae Nae, (Great) Uncle Jeff (to Mason), and Uncle BoBo. I forgot to get pics, I promise I'm trying to get better about it! That night Danny, Sarah and Lilly got into town so we had fun hanging out with them.
Saturday morning we got up early and started getting ready to go to Hickory to surprise my little nephew at his first football game! I was SO excited because I kept this secret all to myself - even after asking Deb (MIL) and Little Dave (BIL) about sending me a schedule. Any of you who know us knows how difficult it is for me to keep a secret. Chase was SO excited that he waved at me from the sidelines and proceeded to tell "Coach" Little Dave (his dad) that we were there. Chase did SO good!! He even picked up the ball on a fumble and ran it 15 yards... in the wrong direction BUT STILL!! It was the first time he got the ball and was so excited - we've all made similar mistakes one time or another. He was the absolute CUTEST!!
**Disclaimer: I have the cutest nieces and nephew in the world. The following pics are proof**
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Mackenzie with Mason - she's such a big girl!! She's going to be a heartbreaker too! |
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The grandchildren |
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Horsey with Uncle Danny |
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Eaker grandkids |
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The "Unicorn" look |
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We had to strip all of her clothes off because she was SOAKING wet |
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Ice cream with Nae Nae |
Hope everyone has a great week! Happy Monday!
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