Thanks Uncle Tracy for the family pics!! |
M usually goes to bed around 7:00 pm and we knew we wanted to stop by my Uncles to see the Eakers before M went to bed so we decided to go to the 5:00 pm church service. Ever since I was born, we had never been to any other service but the 7:00, so this was new to me! BUT I will say that I am a huge fan because this was more kid-oriented and so cute. M also got to see Ms. Dawn for the last time until after the New Years. Ms. Dawn went on a cruise - lucky lady!! We lucked out, because he also got to see Alexis and Ms. Jenna (his favorite) at church too! M is usually so good during the church services but I was extra nervous about this one. We had been worrying that he was cutting teeth because he's usually a great baby but lately he has been really cranky along with drooling a lot more. Halfway through the service Daddy had to take him to the car. We knew he was hungry but the strangest thing has been happening lately. If he's hungry and he has shoes on, there is no feeding him. He will eat for a minute and then scream. I know what you're thinking, get him some bigger shoes lady! But it's not the size of the shoes. He still has some room left in them. And he doesn't do this all the time. It's only some of the time. The second you take his shoes off, he's fine and he'll calm down. It's so weird!! If there's one thing I can say about my son, it's that he knows what he wants!
After the service, we went over to my Uncles house to visit with everyone before they went to the 7:00 service. Special congrats to my cousin Christie!! She is pregnant and we could not be happier for them!! We can't wait to meet little Baby S!!! I'm so bad, I forgot to take pics. But she's the cutest preggars lady!!
Around 7:00 pm, we decided it was time to get M ready for bed.
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I LOVE THE CHRISTMAS JAMMIES!!! Thanks, Aunt Sarah!! |
We HAD to read his favorite book that Ms. Dawn recorded for him. Seriously, I cried the first time we read this. It was SO thoughtful and we can't wait for M to read it in the future. Here's us during storytime:
I had to ducktape a cardboard piece over the record button because I was SO afraid that someone would accidentally record over Ms. Dawn |
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No eating Charlie Brown, Mase!! |
I was so excited about Christmas morning I couldn't sleep! So Syd came over and we all played Spades - which Syd pointed out was the old-person thing to do. Rude, Syd!! Once you have kids, going out is hard so cards are the next best bonding thing. Plus, I LOVE cards!!
I was literally staring at the monitor at 7:00 am the next morning willing Mason to wake up. The one day I wake up before him on my own the kid sleeps until 8:00!! FINALLY, he wakes up. Remember those super cute jammies I let him sleep in??? Yeah, he peed all over them. I swear he's trying to ruin my life!!! I JUST WANTED CHRISTMAS JAMMIE PICTURES!!! UGH! Maybe next year!
Once we woke up and changed our clothes it was present time! Mr. Claus tends to be cheap and gave me a budget = RUDE. I may have gone over my budget with presents. Even though he kept telling me that Mase would not remember any of this and "things are tight, let's just give him a few presents. It's not like he can play with them." NO, SIR!! Here I am, "he will remember! He'll look back on pictures and know that we jipped him. Plus, I always had a big Christmas and I want him to have the same. He HAS to open presents." I will say that Mrs. Claus hooked him up!!
Kid loves this book! Thanks Ms. Dawn! |
Please excuse make-up-less Mommy! |
So, I have a confession but if any of you tell Joshy I will deny it. I may have gone overboard. The best thing that he liked was the tissue and wrapping paper. BUT I got tons of great pics ;-) And I can even re-wrap some presents for his bday! Ha!
After presents, we went over to Mi Mi's for our annual Christmas Morning breakfast. Pop Pops & Grandma Debbie also came down to hang out with us and see the great presents.
All in all, it was a GREAT Christmas day! We are so very blessed and grateful for everything that we got! Now, let's head to the Eaker Christmas!
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