Okay, so I'm terrible at updating these things. Since I take 74839579347 pictures, I decided I'm breaking down the past 2 weeks in several blog posts. These are going to be REALLY long. Sorry 'bout it! We have had many things happen since the last blog post, beginning with the swaddle. If you remember, after an internal debate, we decided to swaddle M around 2 months and have been ever since. We have been thinking M was getting over the swaddling thing so we decided to give the sleep sack a try. Since it was Friday and I didn't have to work the next day, we decided to try it. If you don't know what this is, it's basically a big gown that is closed on the bottom and it has a zipper to close them up in. Their arms are free but their legs are in the gown thing. We had been putting this off because I've read that some babies have a really hard time with this transition. However, when he naps during the day at home and with Ms. Dawn, he never uses a swaddle and does just fine. The first night we tried this, we were watching M on the monitor and he looked very confused.

He didn't hate it at all! He REALLY likes his freedom! He kept playing with his feet inside the gown. I swear he was thinking, "I think I feel my feet but I can't see them!!" He was cackling up a storm. Then it got really quiet and we saw this:
He gone. |
I ended up worrying over nothing
as usual because he did great that night! Saturday morning, he woke up around the same time that Joshy was going to work so I fed him and he played in bed for a while until he fell back asleep. At around 8:45 am, I heard him playing a little bit. I usually let him stay in bed for some time to allow him to wake himself up
and to see if there's any way he'll fall back asleep. All of a sudden I heard this loud "clack clack boom" coming from his room. Then there was silence. He wasn't crying so I looked over at the monitor and what do I see? An eyeball. WHAT??? I'm pretty confused at this point so I decided to make the small trip to his room to check on him. Home boy had reached through his crib slats and pulled the monitor cord enough to where the camera fell off of the wall and landed right next to his face with the camera pointed directly at his eye. As it had fallen off the wall, I'm pretty sure that it hit M in the face because his cheek was slightly red but he wasn't crying so I didn't worry about it. But seriously, only my kid. (Sigh)
We spent most of Saturday hanging out and cleaning while waiting for Daddy to get off work. We were wayy excited because later that night I was going to be picking up Uncle Tracy from the airport. Our gift to the Keller grandparents and grandchildren was flying Tracy home from
Never Never Land Washington. Joshy had to work the next morning so I picked Tracy up from the airport around 11:30 pm that night.
Sunday, while we were waiting for Joshy to get off work, we decided to run some last minute errands. I bring this up because for once, someone can vouch for me about M's blowouts. Literally, this kid waits until we are about to walk into a store to crap himself. Our first stop was at Buy Buy Baby to get some teething tablets. As we're pulling in the parking lot, I hear lots of grunts coming from the back seat (sigh). This is nothing new, so we head back to the changing area. I see the poop already seeping through M's clothes so I call in Uncle Tracy as back up. Needless to say there was another redneck bath going on. Poop was everywhere. I'm not even embarrassed anymore
especially since he has pooped in fancier places! Luckily, we were at Buy Buy Baby and the people there understand so when I asked for a trash bag from the lady she laughed and said they get it all the time. Whew!
Joshy gets off of work at 1:00 pm and wanted us to have the car packed and ready to go when he got home. Most of you know, if it was a life or death scenario where I had to be on time for something... I probably wouldn't make it! So around 12:45 pm we told Joshy not to be mad that we were just now getting home to pack. Joshy wasn't happy. Tracy and I know that because we watched out the window for him to come home and you could tell that he was already working up a lecture. JOKE IS ON YOU JOSHY!!! Tracy and I had showered, packed and got everything in the car before he got home!! It was one of the greatest moments ever to see his face!!
However, we did forget one thing. The Keller grandkids presents. Since Tracy was the big present, we decided that the kids would just get something small to open. Over all, we did pretty good! But that's when Joshy caught me. Allow me to explain. Josh and I had agreed that since things were tight this year, we would not buy each other Christmas presents. Instead, we would get presents for Mason alone. The week before, Josh kept getting on my case about not wrapping the presents. I wasn't sure why he kept telling me to do this because there were still presents that hadn't been delivered so I wanted to wait to wrap all the presents at once. When I got home one night from work, I saw that he had wrapped some already. I was pretty sure this meant he was tired of me procrastinating and hinting that I needed to wrap. BUT I also had this feeling that the reason why he was so eager to wrap presents was that he had broken the rules and got me something but couldn't just wrap one thing because then I would know. So I intentionally waited until it was closer to his bed time to start wrapping presents. Once he shut the hall door, I waited 5 minutes to make sure he was good and asleep before I looked under the tree. And what did I see?! A PRESENT FOR MEE!!! From "Santa." I KNEW IT!! So I did not feel bad about previously going out to buy him a present and wrapping it for him. So when we were gathering Keller presents that Sunday afternoon, this man found my wrapped present and tried to be mad at me. Poo on you, Keller! You broke the rules first!!!
After loading everything up and checking the house to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything, we were off to Hickory for the Keller Christmas. About 5 minutes before we got to the house, we text Josh's older brother, David, telling him to get everyone in the back room but to be stealthy about it. Joshy and I walked in the back door with Mason and sat down. Tracy waited in the car for about 2 minutes and then rang the doorbell. Deb (with M in her arms) and Chase & Mackenzie in tow ran to answer the door. Then we hear screaming "UNCLE TRACY" "TRACY!!" followed by M having a meltdown for a completely different reason- ha! The kid doesn't do well with chaos which is very surprising to me since the Eaker house is always a zoo. Anyways, everyone was surprised and all was right in the world.
We spent most of Monday getting ready for the dinner. I was slaving in the kitchen ALLLL day!! Haha - I kid, I kid! Pshhh, they wouldn't even let me get near the kitchen, those hookers! Instead, I got to hang out with the kids! David, Leah, Chase and Mackenzie came over early afternoon with Mackenzie's new puppy, Sassy. Here are some pics from our day:
How many Kellers does it take to put together a walker? |
Meet Sassy or Sassy-frass as I call her |
Mack with the photobomb. Isn't she the cutest?! |
Don't eat the puppy, Mase! |
Pulling the ear |
Daddy coming to Sassy's rescue, "gentle, Mase!" |
I'm not sure why but this is my favorite pic! |
My paci, Sassy-frass! |
Lazy bums! |
Who wants a ride on Uncle Tracy?? |
I'm a diiivvaa (sang like Beyonce's Diva song) |
You're cute, Mack! |
Hanging with Uncle David. |
Relaxing with Pop Pops |
That night we had a huge family dinner with the Kellers, Aunt Faith, and the Hermans. Dinner was delicious and I ate wayyy too much
as usual. M got spoiled with tons of cool presents too. Here are some pics from that:
Home boy loved the tissue and wrapping paper more than anything he got! |
Snuggles with Uncle Tracy |
Monday night, everyone had a sleepover at the Kellers so we could wake up early to open presents. The adults had the best time playing card games that night! When we put Mason down he had the cutest Christmas pajamas on but I'll let you guess what happened to them the next morning. You're correct, he had a blow out before I could get any pictures. UGH! Here are some pics of our Christmas Eve morning:
Since it was Christmas Eve, we left around noon to get back to the house to unpack things and get ready for the Christmas Eve service. Please refer to the next blog for that!
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